Friday, January 7, 2011

Well here is how my 'new me' is going so far.

Like crap.

I am not motivated to change anything I think due to stress. Just trying to sell our house and buy a new one is bad enough. But here I go again 'blaming' the stress in my life for not trying to be healthy and lose weight and be the best me I can be. I need to work on that big time.

But, I know I want to change and don't feel like it is too far away!

Friday, December 31, 2010


As I sit here and think back on 2010, there were some great times and some not so great times. Typical for most people - everyone has their ups and downs. I am convinced that 2011 will finally have many more ups than downs for me.

I would say a few of the downs for the last year were:

-Ending up in the hospital after getting the stomach flu and the bills that go along with it.

-Feeling poor pretty much every week/month. Too many bills, not enough money!

-Stress related to selling our house and numerous things we had to fix.

A few of the ups were:

-Todd got promoted in November - the reason we moved to Denver.

-I found a job within a month of finding out we were moving - a better job than I had in Omaha!

-I lost almost 30 pounds. I need to lose more and I gained some back, but overall this is great.

So that is just a sample of last year - there was much more to it but I won't bore you with the details.

I am ready for this year to be different and better.

I am going to work on my attitude as well as truly being healthier. If change was easy, everyone would change and become their best self immediately. But it's not.

Here's to a new year and positive change!